The Board, it is well-known is on the threshold of entering into a new era of universalization of primary education in West Bengal. The growing responsibilities as a matter of fact, call for wide capacity building. The need for completion of all infrastructural facilities in its new administrative headquarters as well as that of setting up of some special cells are also emergency in nature. Besides the ongoing programmes as noted above, implementation of some other important programmes now seem to be an imperative. Some such programmes and cells are mentioned below:

I. Two-day sensitization programme for all the officials, stakeholders and others connected with primary education at the village Panchayet level in respect of the renewed curriculum and syllabuses.

II. Qualitative Improvement of Teacher Education imparted by the PTTls: Physical infrastructure and capacity building through refresher courses. Renewal and Revision of Curriculum and Syllabuses.

III. Development of Course Materials for Trainees in the PTTls.

IV. Setting up of (i) Research and Impact Study Cell, (ii) A Well equipped Library (iii) Documentation Cell. Proposals for setting up of these cells have also been submitted to the State Project Office of SSA.

V. Orientation of the Textbooks writers at the primary level.

It is earnestly and sincerely hoped that Board in close collaboration with WBDPEP, Paschim Banga Rajya Prarambhik Siksha Unnayan Sanstha and other sister organizations will soon usher in a new era in the arena of primary education in West Bengal.